A War Saga

of Our Everyday World

Reversed Front is an Asia-based strategy board game, which will be raised a crowdfunding on the Kickstarter. Meanwhile , the mobile and PC versions of this game will be released in the near future.

The players may assume the role of Hong Kong, Tibet, Uyghurs (East Turkestan), Kazakhs, Mongolia, Manchuria, Taiwan or Cathaysian Rebel factions, establishing organisations in 269 territories in the Cathayan Continent to overthrow the Communist regime!

Or you may also play as the Communists to follow through with their policy of crushing all anti-communist factions and aim for the annexation of Taiwan!

The Cathayan Continent

To end such tormentous times,

thy life shall perish with mine.

In the year of the black tiger,

the world shall go up in flames.

400 years ago, dispensing fealties and brute force, House of Aisin Giro from Manchuria conquered the four realms of the Cathayan Continent within a century. Under Aisin Giro’s divide and conquer, the fates of the four realms - the grasslands of Tartaria, deserts of Turkestan, Snowfields of Tibet, and the fertile farmlands of China - were entwined together in the form of United Empires.

110 years ago, Aisin Giro stepped down from the throne after a military coup in the year of the white pig. Without the imperial overlord, the four realms went their separate ways.

After 40 years of intermittent warfare, the Communists conquer China proper under the ‘United Front’ (collaborate with less antagonistic rivals to defeat major enemies) strategy. The Communists also tried their utmost to conquer as many of Aisin Giro’s vassals and annexed lands as possible, forging a new mega state: The People’s Republic of China (referred to as the Republic).

The Seventy Years’ War

As the new overlord of the continent, the Communists took a different route from Aisin Giro: instead of ruling through agents and allowing tributaries to retain autonomy, the Communists rule as a colonial power with unprecedented cruelty. The peoples of the conquered realms were forced to flee their homelands walled-in by the Communists, and join their brethren living in free regions outside of Communists’ oppressive wall.

The seeds of hatred bloomed into a reconquista of the east, from whence the Seventy Years’ War unfolded - a long-term hybrid war fought between those with the grim determination to uphold a ‘united’ republic and those who wish to revive their old independent states.

Around a decade ago, the Communists regressed to heavy-handed, reckless and inept governance, while also trying to expand their scope of influence. Malicious ethnic cleansing and an obstreperous military resulting in widespread corruption, embezzlement, exploitation, slaughter and defilement.

The Republic becomes a ghost of its former glory, but the world still awaits determined strategists who would go up against the Communists, while other major powers of the world remain undecided.

The Continental Policy

Taiwan, a remnant of Aisin Giro’s previous colonies, stands their ground in the face of Communists’ might. Fending off the persistent aggravation of the Communists, Taiwan stays vigilant from across the strait.

Could Taiwan stay safe by not provoking the Communists, keeping away from matters in the Cathayan Continent? Or should they refrain from repeating the same mistakes of the last thirty years which allowed the Communists to grow into the behemoth it is today?

Taiwan has yet to come to a conclusion, but the war is still at hand.

PS. This game is a work of NON-FICTION. Any similarity to actual countries, parties, nations or events in this game is INTENTIONAL.

In order to avoid the Chinese government's keyword censorship of ‘Reversed Front’, the game used to be promoted under the alias ‘Commie Slayer (CS)’.

Although both have green skins, the Communist Hong Kong police are worse creatures than goblins. They kidnapped, raped and killed underage female protesters in Hong Kong just for fun. Humanity's understanding of these evil creatures is still limited.

A Simulation for Rebels

‘Reversed Front: Dear Revolutionaries’ has its roots in a simulation tool used for internal training since 2017 by the External Strategic Communication Working Group, Taiwan (ESC). In 2018 ESC hired game designers to completely overhaul this tool into a streamlined board game version, while incorporating ESC’s own experience from their anti-communist work. This board game is the fruit of such collaboration and two years of hard work.

The Chinese and Japanese version of ‘Reversed Front: Dear Revolutionaries’ was launched in 2020 and 2021 to raise funds for our anti-communist work. Thanks to support from Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, Macau and overseas Chinese communities, the board game's total sales in East Asia have so far exceeded 1,000,000 USD.

We are now developing mobile and PC versions of ‘Reversed Front’.

At the heart of ‘Reversed Front’ is ‘Organisation’. Organisations are the various assemblies of people that could be mobilised by the players, and represent anti-communist forces (Factions other than the Communists) within certain regions fighting against the Communists’ regime, or conversely they can represent the Communists' oppressive agents stamping out uprisings.

Using cards from their decks (representing revolutionary forces), players can utilise the power of propaganda and funding to gain Active Organisations, useful information and practical experience, in order to assail the enemy until victory is at hand.

*The back of all cards are partial gloss matte finish.

The player takes charge of a revolutionary faction; as its leader, the player needs to pacify internal strife, negotiate for foreign support, establish resistance organisations, deplete the Communists’ resources through peaceful and forceful means, in order to hasten the ‘Great Flood’ that will befall the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to uproot the regime.

To rebuild the perished nations.

To restore the lost successions.

— Confucius (551 - 479 B.C.)

The Reconquista of the East

If the player’s faction is in possession of 14 Active Organisations in walled-in territories, that means the player has impaired the governance of the Communists to a significant degree, and has enough sway to incite an uprising and claim victory.

Or a player may assume the role of the Communists - the enforcer of CCP reign. Crush all ‘separatists’ and ‘counter-revolutionaries’ with an iron fist, to ensure ‘social stability’, fuse together various ethnic groups under the banner of a unified megastate. Endure until the last turn of the game to restore ‘ancient glory’ to the Cathayan Continent - or claim an early victory by conquering Taiwan.

Alternatively, a player may also choose to play the Taiwan government, using the seapower state’s strengths to influence affairs of the continent, while overpowering Chinese agents and appeasement proponents within the country, winning this ultimate conflict with espionage and covert operations.

An ‘Organisation’ in this game is a rough representation of anti-communist groups, secret societies, guerrilla forces, Taiwanese spies, as well as pro-CCP groups, CCP agents, concentration camps, undercover partisans, the People’s Armed Police or the Hong Kong Police Force. A player may decimate a rival’s Organisations using espionage, or break up an opponent’s hand using brute force.

Some actual incidents from the period between 2000 and 2020 may be re-enacted within the game (such as the trade war, belt and road, East Turkestan concentration camps, ‘staged suicides’ in Hong Kong, etc.), along with some events that are fictitious. The player may also seek covert aid from the 7 regions of the Great North, Anglosphere, Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, Subcontinent, West Asia and Europe.

For anti-communist factions, the game is divided into three levels of difficulty: Mao Zedong (expert level), Jiang Zemin (standard level), and Xi Jinping (novice level). In different difficulty levels, the strength of of the Communist faction varies significantly. Anti-communist factions within the game may cooperate or attack each other.

From Novosibirsk to Jakarta, from Afghanistan to Sakhalin, 269 different territories across the continents and oceans are represented in the game. Connect the 8 nations in the East, and join forces with the 7 powerful regions to free the fair country from the suffocating walls built by the communist party!

Game Specifications

◆ Game type: deck building, area control

◆ Number of players: 1-4

(The game has a single player mode. Can be expanded to 9 players with 2 game boxes.)

◆ Play time: 80-160 minutes

◆ Target age: 15+

◆ Box size: 37.5 x 26.5 x 5 cm

◆ Map size: 71 x 48 cm

◆ Card size: 64 x 89 mm

*The passion fruit is just a scale bar.

Components List

◆Rulebook‭ ‬×1
◆Icon Lists‭ ‬×5

◆Action Cards - Regular‭ ‬45 types, total of 251 cards

◆Action Cards - Covert Aid Cards‭ ‬17 types, total of 65 cards

◆Event Cards‭ ‬13 types, total of 25 cards

◆Changing Times Cards‭ ‬8 Types, total of 8 cards

◆Communist Cards 9 types, total of 20 cards

◆Map of the Cathayan Continent‭ ‬×1

◆Map of Yvuania‭ ‬×1 (for use with Yvuania extension)

◆Faction Cards - Regular‭ ‬8 types, total of 8 cards

◆Faction Cards - Rebel Factions‭ ‬5 types total of 5 cards (including Yvuania)

◆Rebel Expansion Cards‭ ‬6 types × 2 sides = 12 sides

◆Transparent Mini-Maps‭ ‬9 types, total of 9 maps‭ ‬

◆Turn Number Display‭ ‬×1

◆First-Move Player Token‭ ‬×1

◆HQ Pedestals‭ ‬×5

The back of Action Cards and Event Cards are all partial gloss matte finish.

You may enjoy the game with either metal or paper miniatures:

[Metal Miniatures Version]

◆Organisation Miniature Caps (metal):

Copper Caps ×176 (22 for each anti-communist Faction)

Red Caps ×40 (for the Communists)

◆Organisation Miniatures (metal):

Copper Miniatures ×88 (for anti-communist Factions)

Red Miniatures ×40 (for the Communists)

Apart from the metal miniatures, there are paper replacements within the box set; not purchasing the version with metal miniatures will not affect gameplay. Paper miniatures with larger insignia are more convenient than metal pieces for players with presbyopia.

[Paper Miniatures Version]

◆Organisation Miniatures (paper)

Paper Miniatures ×216

Playable Factions

There are 9 playable Factions in the game for the players to choose from. Each Faction has its merits and disadvantages, and different Factions have different HQ Options. The supporting Region differs depending on the HQ, putting a different spin on the strategies in the game.

Each Faction has its own male and female representative characters, all of which designed in painstaking detail, every item of clothing or accessory with its own symbolic meaning, combining into a complex visual portrayal of the Faction’s geopolitical region.

Hong Kong

A harbour city ceded by Aisin Giro

Occupied by the CCP since 1997

Originally a fishing village of Yue tribes, Hong Kong was ceded to Aisin Giro's enemy, the British, who then proceeded to develop the territory into a prosperous harbour, which in turn became a bridge between the Cathayan Continent and the rest of the world. 150 years later, under the coercion of the Communists, the British handed this city over to the Communists. Hong Kong's freedom is slowly chipped away by smothering tyranny, while resisters are still putting up a fierce fight in the city.

HQ Options: Victoria

The Faction enjoys a significant advantage in propaganda, while transportation routes are somewhat limited. The only anti-communist Faction that could set up a HQ within Walled-In Territories.

PS. The female character representing Hong Kong was named ‘Viya’ (a short form of Victoria) by online voting conducted on Hong Kong National Front’s fan page in 2018. The background of the illustration has Canton style window frames, representing the first half of the protesters’ slogan ‘liberate Hong Kong’; the famous Tsim Sha Tsui Clock Tower represents the other half: ‘revolution of our times’.


Aisin Giro’s ally, co-ruler of the Continent

Half-occupied by the CCP since 1966

The conquerors of the world in medieval times. Bested by Aisin Giro, Mongols rules the Cathayan Continent with Manchus. After the downfall of Aisin Giro, the Mongolian lords left the palace and restored their old realm north of the desert. Mongolian lands south of the desert entered into 38 years of intermittent warfare, eventually succumbing to Communist rule. 17 years later, the Communists reneged their promise, sent troops to Southern Mongolia, and massacred the Mongols.

HQ Options: Ulaanbaatar, Tokyo and New York

With ample Development Potential, this Faction can create Organisations in Siberia, western Manchuria, Amdo, East Turkestan, Afghanistan, and Kalmykia in Russia. The resistance movement in Southern Mongolia works closely with student activists, and the Communists certainly aren’t taking these young rebellious students and herders lightly. However, the tempestuous history of the grasslands affects this Faction even today, making them more prone to infighting.

PS. The male character represents Mongolia, while the female character represents Southern Mongolia (we hold in highest regard the womenfolk of Southern Mongolia who sacrificed themselves to protect the Mongolian pastures). The background of the illustration is the traditional circular signed petitions of the Mongolians - Duguilang (Дугуйлан, ᠳᠤᠭᠤᠢᠯᠠ).


Theocracy with respect from Aisin Giro

Occupied by the CCP since 1959

A Buddhist theocracy situated on the plateau. Under the protection of Aisin Giro, Tibet was revered as a religious hub of the Cathayan Continent. As Aisin Giro's power crumbled, the sacred king restored the old Tibetan realm. Despite the efforts in reviving the country, Tibet was subjugated by the Communists, once again becoming a tributary. 9 years later, the Communists reneged on their promise and invaded Tibet, and the sacred king was forced to lead his people to escape into the subcontinent.

HQ Options: Dharamshala, Dehradun and Drigu

Abundant resources at the start of the game (for the government in exile), but prohibited from using Armament Cards; by choosing the ‘Chushi Gangdruk (Khampa Tibetan guerrilla group)’ or ‘Special Frontier Force (Indian Army)’ scenarios, use of Armament Cards will be unlocked, but the Faction will be subject to other limitations.

PS. Indian Territories with large Tibetan settlements are reflected on the game map, such as Leh, Dehradun and Bylakuppe. The male character holds the flaming sword of Manjushri Bodhisattva (Inspired by the Chushi Gangdruk's flag), representing the monks of U-Tsang, Amdo and Kham who stood up against CCP for many years; Tibet’s female character represents the second generation Tibetans in India (while also commemorating the adults and youths who passed away in self-immolation protests), and the flames represent the hardship and trials faced by Tibetans.


Free herders in cohorts with Aisin Giro

Defeated by the CCP since 1951

The herders on the Great Steppe, fled to East Turkestan to seek the protection of Aisin Giro from the Cossack riders. As the power Aisin Giro wanted, the Kazakhs accepted more of their brethren from West Turkestan and roamed the hills and plains to the north of East Turkestan, fighting the Communists until the very end. After their defeat, they guarded the borders for the Communists, yet were still prosecuted in return, and had no choice but to seek asylum from their compatriots in West Turkestan.

HQ Options: Almaty

Great Development Potential in free Territories (Kazakhstan), and has a set of unique Victory Conditions (start the East Turkestan Revolution in Altay, Qoqak, and Ghulja). If the Faction manages to resolve their differences with the Uyghurs and work together, restoration of East Turkestan would be much more efficient with their respective strengths complimenting each other.

PS. The male character of Kazakh represents Kazakhstan (part of West Turkestan in the wide sense). The female character represents the Kazakhs of East Turkestan. The two respectively represent the industrial power and ethnic traditions of the Kazakhs. Since it is difficult for Uyghurs to obtain passports, a lot of testimonies about East Turkestan concentration camps were given by Kazakh refugees.

Uyghurs - East Turkestan

Oasis city states under Aisin Giro’s control

Occupied by the CCP since 1949

The inhabitants of cities established in oases along the silk road across East Turkestan. These cities were subdued by Aisin Giro during his campaign against the Mongols. The ruling class of Uyghurs swore fealty to Aisin Giro, but after Aisin Giro's downfall, they tried to restore their fatherland amidst the chaos. Despite their efforts, ultimately their attempts were in vain. After the Communists' invasion and genocide, Uyghurs fled to West Turkestan and formed militias to bide the opportunity to strike back arises.

HQ Options: Istanbul, Almaty, Munich and Washington

The Faction has strong military forces. However, it is not possible to create Organisation in Walled-in Territories without distance limits (Draconian control of East Turkestan).

PS. This illustration was created in memory of the thousands of women and children murdered by the People’s Liberation Army in the Yarkand Massacre of 2014. The bag of herbs carried by the female character was in memory of numerous Uyghur female doctors and pharmacists sent to concentration camps by the Chinese government. There are three stars on the emblem which represent three independent states which existed in or throughout the East Turkestan territory: Turkic Khaganate, Uyghur Khaganate, Kara-Khanid Khanate.


The vast land from whence Aisin Giro came

Occupied by the CCP since 1945

The homeland of Aisin Giro, well-guarded for centuries and forbidden to outsiders. As Aisin Giro's power dwindled, Chinese farmers poured into the realm, where they tilled the land with the Manchus, turning the barren lands into fertile fields. After Aisin Giro's abdication, he returned to Manchuria, where he attempted to rebuild the old realm with support from Japan. As Japan was defeated by the Soviet Union in the subsequent war the Communists seized Manchuria, demolishing the civilisation that once was.

HQ Options: Tokyo, Vladivostok and San Francisco

The Faction enjoys high degree of game freedom. Different HQ options may lead to completely different tactics.

PS. The female character representing Manchuria was named Alan Daicing by the Concordia Association of Manchuria in 2019, and is the official personification of Manchuria. The design of her costume is based on the parade dress uniform of Emperor Puyi of the Empire of Manchuria. Alan is a common name among Manchurian womenfolk, and Daicing originally meant ‘skilful warrior’ in Mongolian, which is also the root of the empire's name ‘Qing’.


An alpine island colonised by Aisin Giro

Still at war with the Communists

For over a millennium, Taiwan resisted the conquest of continental powers using the strait as their line of defence. Aisin Giro, however, crossed that barrier and annexed Taiwan, making it a colony of his Chinese subjects. Taiwan was conquered by Japan after Aisin Giro's defeat. When defeat befell Japan, they were swept up in the conflicts of the continent yet again. Eventually, they keep the Communists at bay to the west of the strait. After decades of conflicts and restoration, the old island nation is reborn once again.

HQ Options: Taipei

An independent nation in its own right, but constantly under the pressure of Chinese invasion as well as brutal infighting.

Player of the Taiwan Faction must choose between the Pan-Green and Pan-Blue Policies, each with different applicable rules:

Pan-Green Policies: Exploration of Localism

To supports the localist movements of Cathaysian states, supports the independence of each nation, and exports experiences of anti-authoritarian struggles, resistance of the Christian Church, and the other social movements.

Pan-Blue Policies: Free China

To revive overseas anti-communist organisations supported by the Government of the Republic of China in 1980s, and support Chinese anti-communist and pro-democracy activists (especially in Southeast Asia).

PS. The male character of Taiwan represents the Formosans (Austronesian aboriginal tribes), the female character represents the Hokkien and Hakka people who immigrated to Taiwan. The spiritual sika deer is the master of the mountains and rivers of all the islands of Taiwan, and the soul of this island country. Before Aisin Giro’s conquest of Taiwan in the 17th century, the many tribes of Taiwan fended off Chinese invasion for over a millennium, whether it was Wu of the three kingdoms, or the Sui Empire. A Chinese emperor in the 14th century eferred to Taiwan as an ‘independent country never to be assailed’.


Rebels hidden within China Proper

and Southeast Asia

Under the harsh thought control of the Communists, Rebels lack development potential within China proper, but nevertheless Rebels are hidden in nooks and crannies of the continent. Different Rebel Factions play by different rules, with different Victory Conditions and different HQ Options. A player who wishes to play a Rebel Faction can mix and match Faction illustrations (5 different faction cards, including Yvuania, to choose from), Rebel Faction, and HQ Options to begin the game in their own terms.

Taiwan’s choice of external policies may help different types of Rebels. Having Territories with Development Potential close to the Communists means their actions are subject to limitations.

Selectable Rebel types in the game are as follows:


- Liberals

- Nationalists

- Federalists

- Democrats

- Liberals

- New Left

- Reformists

- Falun Dafa

- Undeground Churches

- Gender Revolution

Cathaysian Nations:

- Tshiechuria (Shandong)

- Yuyencia (Hebei)

- Jinland (Shanxi)

- Kuanlungnia (Shaanxi)

- Cubstan (Gansu / Tangut)

- Chianghuelia (Jiangsu)

- Yiluo (Henan)

- Yvuania (Nanyang)

- Jingchuria (Hubei)

- Fusiangria (Hunan)

- Ba (Chongqing)

- Basuria (Sichuan)

- Yehetland (Guizhou)

- Diantnam (Yunnan)

- Gestneseland (Guangxi)

- Hailam (Hainan)

- Cantonia

- Macau

- Hakka

- Teochew

- Komeseland (Jiangxi)

- Hokkienam

- Aunann (Auish / Wenzhou)

- Goetland (Zhejiang)

- Shanghai

Ethnic Movements:

- Hmong

- Tujia

- Kam

- Bouyei

- Yao

- Zhuang

- Yi

- Bai

- Hani

- Thai (Tai / Shan)

- Hlai

- Huihui (Dungan / Panthays)

- Coreans (live in Manchuria)

PS. The emblem shared by all rebels is a combination of ‘The Eighteen Stars of Iron and Blood Banner’ (representing the 9 regions ‘Jiuzhou’ and 18 provinces of China proper) and ‘The Blue Sky and White Sun Banner’ (representing the twelve Oriental Zodiacs (for Sexagenary hours) and revolutionary spirit), which used by Cataysian nations during the 1911 Revolution.

The Southwest Nations

Fiefdoms defiant against Aisin Giro

Occupied by the CCP since 1950

The southwest of China proper was crisscrossed by kingdoms and fiefs, defiant against northern invaders for two millennia. These states sometimes sware fealty to Aisin Giro, but at other times their leaders claimed sovereignty as kings. As the power of Aisin Giro wanted, their leaders reigned over the realms, until the feudal system was crushed by the invading Communists. The natives fled to the south with Chinese Nationalist troops, persisting in their resistance. The Communists slaughtered the civilians in their homeland in retaliation.

Huihui Muslims

Faithful knights overwhelmed by Aisin Giro

Occupied by the CCP since 1949

Muslims dispersed within China proper are collectively known as Huihui. Almost 150 years ago, Huihui rebels in the northwesr became vassals of Aisin Giro. With numerous calvary under their command, the Huihui slowly regained independence agter Aisin Giro's downfall. These muslim knights were one of the few powers on the Cathayan Continent that could take the Communists head-on. Even after their defeat, they remained the Communists' thorn in the side, relentlessly fought back against the Communists for decades.

The Southlands

Water-meadows enslaved by Aisin Giro

Occupied by the CCP since 1949

The people who lived among the streams and hills of the south fended off Aisin Giro's might for almost 40 years, but ultimately could not escape the fate of subjugation and bloodshed. After over two centuries of servitude, the southern territories gained independence as the Revolution broke out, ringing the death knell for Aisin Giro. They worked together for over a decade, fighting all over China proper, but as the war against Japan wore them down, they had no strength left to stop the Communist forces from crossing the Yangtze River.

The Northlands

Middle-earth where Aisin Giro's throne sat

Occupied by the CCP since 1949

The yellow earth of the north nurtured by the Yellow River was the Crown land, where both Aisin Giro and his usurper the Communists' throne is situated. The warlords of the north rose to power in the Revolution, forcing Aisin Giro to abdicate. These warlords ruled China proper for over a decade, after which they were defeated by the southern coalition. The Japanese took over but were then replaced by the Communists as master of the north. Once again the Northlands became the political centre of the Cathayan Continent under Communist rule.


Aisin Giro sanctioned land of faith

Occupied by the CCP since 1949

Yvuania is the heartland of China proper. In the two centuries under Aisin Giro's rule, French missionaries frequently visited Yvuania, establishing the first landlocked diocese in the Cathayan Continent since the prohibition of Christianity. Amidst the chaos after Aisin Giro's downfall, the militias of Yvuania kept bandits and warlords at bay for 13 years, until the assassination of the militia's leader. After the Communists took over, Christians were persecuted, and even today, the Communists are still tearing down churches in Yvuania.


Conqueror and despot of the Continent

The most formidable conqueror of the continent since Aisin Giro. With the ambition to unify and sinicise the tumultuos domains of the Cathayan continent, the Communists keep a tight rein in their vast territories with a powerful totalitarian regime. The Communists sculpted what was a loose collection of dominions into an ostentatious republic. Their dishonourable past of humiliation at the hands of western powers was finally unsullied. The colonised, on the other hand, are not at all grateful for such achievements.

The Communists must use all means necessary to keep a tight rein on them to prevent the Republic from total collapse. Experienced players may also aim for an earlier victory by pervading Taiwan during the game to achieve the goal of ‘Annexing Taiwan’.

HQ Options: Beijing

The strongest Faction in the game. The Communists have many special abilities that can weaken other factions. On the other hand, the Faction needs to defend against attacks from multiple directions. and it is necessary to properly distribute Organisations over the vast continent. The player may defeated enemies by using interior lines.


Regions’ from all over the world are also elements of the game. Each Region contains associated countries with different perspectives. Players may obtain ‘Covert Aid’ from these countries or from Taiwan. However, Covert Aid from the same Regions is also available to the Communists, even from Taiwan.

Some Territories farther away from the main map are included near the edges of the map (such as Munich, Istanbul, Aleppo, Kuala Lumpur, Sydney, Auckland, Vancouver, New York and Tibetan settlements in southern India etc.).

Great North (GN)

The ‘Great North’ in the game represent regions of the Post-Soviet states (most of them are members of the CIS) and independent Mongolia (not occupied by the Communists), while also refer to the alliance between Altai peoples (Mongols and Turkic peoples) and Slavs. Almost all territories in the northern section of the game map belong to the Great North, including West Turkestan (Central Asian countries), independent Mongolia, and Russian Manchuria, a lot of which were previously under the rule of Aisin Giro and different communist regime but are now free.

After the Soviet Union was overthrown, the Great North is part of the free world, continues to develop economically, and gradually becoming more democratic. The Great North is also a formidable military power that is concerned about their brethren in the south still in the thrall of the Communists, while at the same time wary of Communist infiltration into the north. If a player chooses to play one of the Uyghurs, Kazakhs, Mongolia or Manchuria Factions, the Great North provides vast development potential for these factions, allowing the player to build up enough clout to counterstrike into Walled-In territories.

The peoples of the Great North have millennium old traditions as brave warriors, along with the legacy of the Soviet Union, giving them an edge in both their military and intelligence, which in turn may prove advantageous for players when it comes to decimating rival Organisations.

Anglosphere (AN)

The ‘Anglosphere’ in the game represents the alliance formed by the United States of America and various British Commonwealth of Nations (especially the United Kingdoms, Canada, Australia and New Zealand). The Anglosphere consists mostly of immigrant societies, and therefore also an important destination for immigrants from the Cathayan Continent. All Factions may create Organisations in several of the major cities in North America, Australia and New Zealand.

The affluent Anglosphere takes a relatively firmer stance against the Republic compared to other regions, and is more willing to support players with funding.

Northeast Asia (NE)

Northeast Asia’ represents countries such as Japan, South Corea and North Corea. The aforementioned three countries treat each other with detestation and enmity, while each of them maintains a different stance towards the Republic. Since Northeast Asia holds great cultural sway over the Cathayan Continent, coupled with the fact that numerous students from the continent come to study in Northeast Asia, a strong affiliation with Northeast Asia is certainly beneficial towards creating Organisations in Walled-In Territories.

As advanced capitalist societies, Territories in Japan and South Corea are open to all Factions; on the other hand, only the Communists and neighbouring Manchuria may create Organisations in Territories in North Corea.

Southeast Asia (SE)

Southeast Asia’ refers to the vast region to the south of the Cathayan Continent (Indochina and Nusantaria). Most of the governments in Southeast Asian countries are now relatively sympathetic towards the Communists, thus players might find it difficult to gain governmental support.

Nevertheless, the people of Southeast Asia have been supporting the anti-authoritarian revolution in the East Asian continent for a hundred years (since the age of Aisin Giro). Southeast Asia is also geographically advantageous for all Factions, especially for Rebels located on the coast of the Continent.

In the game, Southeast Asia Territories with Development Potential for player Factions are generally divided into two categories:

The first category is Territories in the Golden Triangle (the borders of Thailand, Laos and Burma) bordering the Republic. Weapons are commonly available in these Territories, and they are a stone’s throw away from the Walled-In Territories. However, players must remain vigilant in these Territories, as the Communists can also easily enter the Golden Triangle and vanquish anti-communist Organisations.

The second category is the port towns in the south. These Territories are traditional resettlement destination for Chinese immigrants, and as a result both Taiwan and the Communists may seek local support from Chinese immigrant societies. For Uyghurs, they may find support from Indonesia and Malaysia.

Vietnam would not yield to the Republic, and cannot tolerate Chinese Communist Organisations being created within Vietnamese Territories, thus making it one the few safe zones in Southeast Asia for players. Given the historical bond between Vietnam and Hong Kong, Vietnamese Territories offer development potential for the Hong Kong Faction.

The Philippines is very close to Taiwan. The Filipinos will also be happy to help if the player wants to obtain weapons and logistical assistance against the Republic.

With Southeast Asia’s strategic location and special sociopolitical factors, players may be able to find logistic support here that would not be available from Walled-In Territories.

Subcontinant (SC)

The ‘Subcontinent’ in the game also includes Bhutan, Nepal and similar countries that are influenced by India both politically and economically, while also representing the Indian cultural sphere. The Subcontinent is the most important region for the player of the Tibet Faction, since almost all Territories on the Subcontinent offer Development Potential exclusive to Tibet. These Territories are mostly located on the outskirts of the Tibetan Plateau, while some are in southern India.

If players of Factions other than Tibet can obtain support from the Subcontinent and fuel their enmity towards the Communists, they can help the player by eroding Communist resources through military confrontations and trade boycotts. As an enemy of the Republic, the Subcontinent led by India will not provide any aid to the Communists.

West Asia (WA)

West Asia’ is an umbrella term referring to the secular countries (such as Türkiye) and Islamic countries (such as Pakistan, Afghanistan and Arab countries) which located in the Near East and the Middle East. While these countries are not particularly hostile towards the Republic, the many hot spots of conflicts within the region (such as around Afghanistan and Syria) make armaments and military training readily available, especially for Uyghurs, and other Territories within the region also offer Development Potential for Kazakh and Huihui Rebels.

Europe (EU)

Europe’ on the whole isn’t too concerned about the situation in the Cathayan Continent, and most European politicians are relatively timid when dealing with the Republic. Nevertheless, Europe is home to many immigrants and intellectuals from the Cathayan Continent, and therefore several major European cities offer Development Potential for player Factions. As the birthplace of liberalism, acquiring support from Europe can also help with propaganda work.

Part of the proceeds from the sales of this game will go to ESC to fund anti-CCP activities and reversed front work in real life.

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